Julia Shipley takes part in "Habitat for Artists"

Read the latest about Julia's involvement in the artist community in the most recent edition of the Burlington Free Press. Here is an excerpt:

"Happy National Shed Week! Technically, that annual celebration doesn’t extend beyond the borders of the United Kingdom and ended July 10 this year. But, on the heels of America’s Independence Day, sculptor Simon Draper, a native of Wales, may be reconquering America one shed at a time.

His ongoing project, which he calls Habitat for Artists, has taken place in several states since 2007. It moves into Stowe, Morrisville and Waitsfield on Friday and remains until Sept. 25. In each town one of the wee structures, measuring six feet square and eight feet high, will serve as a temporary studio for rotating shifts of local artists.

Among the at least two dozen Habitat artists expected to participate is Julia Shipley, a writer with visual arts experience who farms a six-acre spread in Craftsbury. She’ll take up residence at the entrance to the Stowe Recreation Path in a shed hosted by the Helen Day Arts Center."

Continue reading at:  The Burlington Free Press

One Day Poetry Class at the Art House in Craftsbury Common

"Where do poems come from?"

Instead of merely hoping for inspiration to strike, let's spend the day playing with new ways to write poems. We'll experiment with and explore ten different exercises, and have a modest homegrown lunch* (vegetarian and omnivore options) to keep us fortified.

Bring: curiosity, notebook, pen, sunscreen

Art House
Saturday August 13, 2011
10am to 3pm

Class limit: 10

Adventures in Prose at RiverArts in Morrisville

The Prose Poem. The Short Short. Flash Fiction. A Dispatch. The Braided Essay. What do all these strange things have in common? They are forms to pour your exciting writing into, each with its own unique characteristics. If you like writing short passages, rich with detail, action, reflection, unexpected twists-- then here is a treasure drawer of structures for your writing. In each class we'll examine a different form, try out the form and discuss venues, outlets, publication possibilities for each of the five prose possibilities.  (Five classes)

Registration Cost: $115.00 (financial assistance rate $95)
When: Tuesdays, September 6 - October 4, 6-8pm

Julia Shipley contact info: 586-7733; jshipley@pshift.com